JFV Consulting Corp is a small business consulting firm specializing in assisting business owners in putting the pieces of the business puzzle to work for them. Thereby allowing their business and their bottom line to grow.
Our specialty is working with businesses from start-up to 75 employees and up to $10 million in sales.
Is your business:
Then we can help...
We coach business owners and their staff in learning how to review their business and assets, including their inventory, business structure, costs, marketing, resources and talent. From there we help them to develop sound business strategies including: Business Coaching, Business Growth, Profitability Designs, Branding & Marketing Strategies, Employee Optimization, Social Media plans and Exit Strategies.
We provide the support and infrastructure improvements necessary to continue to grow, expand and revitalize the business.
With over 50 years of combined business experience, we help expand your team and knowledge to assist you in taking your business to new heights and fulfill the dreams you envisioned when you started it.